Reusable. Recyclable. Sustainable.

Eco-friendly packaging materials are designed to minimize environmental impact compared to traditional mailers. By prioritizing reusable, recyclable, and sustainable packaging solutions, individuals can reduce their environmental footprint.



Compostable vs. Biodegradable

Compostable materials specifically break down into compost, contributing to soil health and supporting plant growth.

Biodegradable materials break down into smaller components over time, but they may not always result in compost and may take longer to degrade compared to compostable materials.

In summary, while both compostable and biodegradable materials break down naturally, compostable items specifically contribute to the creation of nutrient-rich compost, whereas biodegradable items break down more generally over time.


What Is Curbside (post-consumer) Recyclable?

This refers to materials that have been used by consumers and collected through recycling programs or recycling containers. These materials are typically sorted and processed at recycling facilities to be turned into new products or materials.